mémoire de diplôme : Precipitated Convergence : An approach for Design Sprints by joining Technologies and Arts.


Sous la direction de Wendy MacKay and Janin Koch, Ex-Situ laboratory



Design is an ambivalent discipline. Rooted both in Arts and Technics, it gives Forms to Functions, working in uncertain and evolving environments. For this reason, it is often related to Innovation, which is the Diffusion of Inventions in the Social Body. 

Innovation seen through the prism of Economy will favor a Design based on Uses to manage its Diffusion

Innovation seen through the prism of Technical Evolutions will focus on the Design of new Forms to Inventions, bringing Design to the field of Creation

I show through a first series of use-cases that the form of Innovation Sprints is an efficient and reliable way to lower the risk of an Invention and facilitate its Diffusion in the Economic systems. It is however not meant to produce Radical Innovation in the sense of strong and diverse Concepts and Forms

On the other hand, the field of Human Computer Interaction proposes a User-Centered approach to produce Radical Innovation, which relies on the study of Extreme Users and Extreme-Situations including Artists and Creation

In a second use-case, I present the Creartathon, a Creative Hackathon mixing Arts and Technologies in the Frame of a Sprint

From the analysis of this use-case, I propose the model of Precipitated Convergence to represent Creation Processes. Precipitated Convergence relies on three principles to create Radical Forms and Radical Concepts: High-Level Concepts Anchoring, Rapid Incarnation, and the use of Arts and Technologies as Creative Tools

Precipitated Convergence offers an interesting Framework for the understanding and implementation of Creation activities as it complements existing methods such as CK-P or TRIZ. 

Finally, I formulate the basis of a Project in which Precipitated Convergence could be utilized in the context of an individual Creation Practice: Identitie(s). "