Photos Joanne JONES

mémoire de diplôme : Material Rituals with The Other: Interspecies Collaboration for New Regenerative Futures

Direction : Nadja GAUDILLIERE

Material Rituals is a speculative design provocation that questions ways in which we can respectfully

approach interspecies collaboration in the context of kombucha leather, a bioassembled material

produced by bacterial cellulose. It offers acts of ritualistic care with interspecies tools as pathways

toward conscious coindividuation with the “other.”

"This project seeks to address the issues of today’s materials through interspecies collaboration. Following a critique of materialism, it acknowledges both western and Indigenous ideas that the nonhuman has agency outside of the human. It addresses biomimicry and material ecology as responses to the call for new materials and new ways of understanding them. These new materials give rise to new tools; and in the context of interspecies collaboration, these are interspecies
tools. This project defines bioassembly as an interspecies tool, and kombucha leather as a conduit for interspecies collaboration. It explores the issues of exploitation surrounding materials and organisms and proposes care as a response to the potential for exploitation of these new tools. Relating care to ritual, it concludes by offering acts of ritualistic care with interspecies tools as pathways toward conscious coindividuation with the “other.”


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